We turn ideas into reality

Never waste time scanning for relevant news. Get all headlines and snippets from top 50 news sources for realtors. Start new conversations, make real connections.


8ambrief is a subsidiary of Blinkonomics, delivering relevant real estate news in Singapore to realtors at SGT 8am daily.


Get the latest real estate news updates from Straits Times, Business Times, CNA, Today, Mothership, PropertyGuru, 99.co and many more.

News Articles

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About 8ambrief

8ambrief was established in 2022 by Blinkonomics, and serves as a real estate news channel on Telegram for realtors.

8ambrief is a news channel that allows realtors to tune in to any district(s) in Singapore of their preference, for any relevant news that would help them to close their sales.

Together with top news sources from Straits Times, Business Times, CNA and more, 8ambrief aims to bring the latest news to every agent for the districts that they have signed up for.

Our story

We're a company of talented individuals that are filled with many brilliant ideas that we've wanted to try.

Marrying both our expertise in technology and digital marketing, 8ambrief programmed our very own software to crawl real estate news across 50+ sites and 100+ articles.

Our purpose was simple -

  • Add value to realtors who would be interested in the latest news updates
  • Filter news according to districts to narrow down regions important to them
  • Introduce a useful tool for realtors at an affordable price
  • Experiment with new sustainable business ideas

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